Captivating Capiz - Roxas City Seafood Capital of the Philippines

Captivating Capiz - Roxas City Seafood Capital of the Philippines

Captivate and Experience the Beauty of Capiz


Seafood Capital of the Philippines

captivating capiz: Panitan

Captivating Capiz-PANITAN- Founded in 1621 by the malay brothers Danao and Dalhog, Panitan prides itself as one of the oldest town is Capiz. Its original settlement was at Sitio Capul-an, near the bank of lake Danao. It was only after the Spanish colonization, that it was transferred to its present location.Legends tell how the town got its name. Once of the most accepted traditions tells of a groups of Spaniard passed by a group of natives peeling off the bank of the tree presumably to be dried for firewood. Pcomo se llama el pueblo este lugar? asked the Spaniards thinking that they were asked what they were doing, they answered back without hesitations.. P A N I T A N, meaning to peel off. So, from then on.PANITAN became the official name of the village as listed by the Spanish overlords.Panitan has been led by many great men and women, since Spanish times they have molded Panitan into what it has become today.Panitan is a breathtakingly beautiful town-its sights and sounds, its people and history. Panitan truly is one of Capiz’s prized gems. Panitan is 45 minutes away from Ivisan. And 25 minutes away from Roxas City.


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