Captivating Capiz - Roxas City Seafood Capital of the Philippines

Captivating Capiz - Roxas City Seafood Capital of the Philippines

Captivate and Experience the Beauty of Capiz


Seafood Capital of the Philippines

Festivities in Capiz

Sinadya sa Halaran is a merging of the Roxas City Fiesta “Sinadya” and the Province celebration of “Halaran”. “Sinadya sa Halaran” is a commemoration of the feast of the patroness of Roxas City which is the Immaculate Concepcion and a thanksgiving. It literally means “Joy in Sharing and Thanksgiving” . Rituals and festivities of every municipalities where captivated in this occasion. Fireworks, grand parade, fluvial processions, fair and food festival, street dancing, and exhibits are some of the things to see of this event.

Every municipalities has its own festivities and fiesta, such as Buylogonay of Ivisan, Capiz (1st Week of September) , Hil-o-hanay of Sigma, Capiz (June 24), Linga-anay of Panay, Capiz (May 4), Balintawakan of Pontevedra, Capiz (May 15), Dinagsa and Ikin-ikin Festival of Dumalag, Capiz (Last Sunday of January and Nov. 11), Padagyaw of Dumarao, Capiz (August 5), Inilusan Festival of Mambusao, Capiz (Nov. 20-25), Tilibyugan Festival of Sapi-an, Capiz (July 26), Agdahanay Festival of Cuartero, Capiz (June 13, 2008), Hil-0 hil-o Festival of Maayon, Capiz (Feb. 23) and Sina-ot Festival of President Roxas, Capiz.


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