Captivating Capiz - Roxas City Seafood Capital of the Philippines

Captivating Capiz - Roxas City Seafood Capital of the Philippines

Captivate and Experience the Beauty of Capiz


Seafood Capital of the Philippines

Captivating Capiz: Quipot Cave

The Quipot Cave is found in Bo, Burias, Mambusao. It is about 3 kms. from the Mambusao Agricultural and Technical College, or 8 kms. from the town proper or a 30-minute ride over rough roads. It is accessible by jeepneys, cars and tricycles. Wild birds, deer and wild duck abound in the place. Near the cave is a stream. The cave consists of many chambers each at a level of different from those of other chambers. In certain sections one has to crawl because the space between the roof and the floor is just two to three feet. There are also sections looking like dead-ends, except for small holes through which only one person can crawl. These holes lead to a chamber as big as a ballroom of a hotel which is why some tourists call it the Quipot Hilton. There are plenty of stalactites and stalagmites. The Quipot Cave is cool inside.


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