Captivating Capiz - Roxas City Seafood Capital of the Philippines

Captivating Capiz - Roxas City Seafood Capital of the Philippines

Captivate and Experience the Beauty of Capiz


Seafood Capital of the Philippines

Captivating Capiz: Prinzblue Statement^^

I still live in but unfurtunately I don’t see the other beauriful places in the said province. Captiviting Capiz is a rich of seafood province of the Philippines located in the Western Visayas . It is also called the Seafood Capital of the Philippines.

Its capital is Roxas City and is located at the northeastern portion of Panay Island.Other said, Capiz is known for its mother-of-pearl shells that have the same name and are used for decoration, making lampshades, trays, window doors, etc.. Capiz is known for a popular local myth of Aswang, a generic name for ghouls, monsters and witches.

I would like to see more about Capiz but i dont have a lot of money to travel in different places or to go anywhere right now.


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